Internet Protocol Address Management (IPAM) has emerged as the most important function of network management for service providers and enterprises alike. The reasons are pretty simple: Internet usage continues to grow, the number of online devices is not slowing down,...
The Network Automation Blog
network provisioning

13 Benefits of an Automated Network Provisioning System
Manual, spreadsheet-based provisioning focused on individual, vendor-specific network elements simply can’t keep up with the proliferation of new devices and the dynamic nature of today’s networks. An automated provisioning and control platform, in contrast, reduces...
Three Major Network Provisioning Challenges Facing Service Providers (2018)
Businesses’ and consumers’ growing dependence on the network, the rise of mobile computing, virtualization, dual-stack networks and the demand for more and better Cloud-based services, have combined to present service providers with three major challenges: ensuring...
8 Things to Look for in an Automated Network Provisioning System
If you’re an operator or an administrator and you work in the trenches, you’re probably already well aware that something’s gotta give on the network management and provisioning front. At this point, trying to keep up with all the adds, deletes and changes using a...
Five Trends Contributing to Network Complexity
IP networks and what it takes to manage them have become much more complex during the past several years, and this process continues to gather speed. Here are five business and technology trends that will drive still greater levels of complexity over the next few...
Six Critical Ways Software Can Automate Network Management
Faced with new demands for virtualization, cloud-based computing, exploding mobile data and smart device growth, service providers have outgrown the manual spreadsheets and proprietary vendor appliances they’ve historically relied on to provision their networks. These...
Five Excellent Reasons Why Automated IP Management Is No Longer Optional
If you’re a network manager and you work in the trenches, you probably are already well aware that something has got to give on the IP management front. At this point, trying to keep up with all the adds, deletes, and changes using a manual, spreadsheet-based...
IPAM Appliances? Seven Reasons Why Software-based Provisioning Is Better
If you’re a service provider in the market for an automated IPAM solution, one fundamental decision that your network managers must make is whether to deploy hardware-based IPAM appliances or implement a pure software-based provisioning solution. The IPAM appliance...
Network Provisioning in 5 Clicks or Less
How long does it take you to provision IP address network resources? Typically, a network administrator needs around 45 minutes for network provisioning—possibly more if a Regional Internet Registry (RIR) needs to be updated—and has to flip between spreadsheets,...
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