Nibbles & Bits

ProVision 7.0 Has Landed!

by | June 29, 2018

ProVision 7 is here, bringing a plethora of new features and improvements! Among the major updates are support for IPAMv2; DHCP groups, pools, and servers; and support for Peering v2. We’ve also made numerous updates and refinements to other parts of ProVision. Be sure to check out the complete list of updates here.

IPAMv2 and New IPAM Tab Updates

7.0.0 IPAM Tab Main

IPAM Tab Improvements

  • Support for IPAMv2
  • Added Subtab navigation at the top of the page to switch between IPAM, VLAN, and Logging
  • Updated the UI for “Add Aggregate”
  • Updated to a cleaner interface for  IPAM Maps

7.0.0 IPAMv2 Aggregates Block Filtered and Merge options

Aggregate Blocks List

  • Refined interface
  • Improved search filter  – accepts CIDR, Region, RIR
  • Added filter by IPAM Regions under “more filters”

Host Utilization

  • Simplified the Action menu
  • Added More Charts!

7.0.0 IPAMv2 Tree Chart

7.0.0 IPAMv2 Grid Chart

7.0.0 IPAMv2 Bar Chart

IPAM Manage

  • Updated interface to support sortable columns, adjustable column widths, IPAMv2 column customizations, and user defined metadata fields.
  • Multi-edit now includes Domain, VLAN, and customized metadata fields.
  • Block Assign / Multi-Assign is now a searchable / filterable resource list.
  • Improved IPAM Filter options to be searchable fields, include user-created metadata fields, and added a “select all masks” option.

DHCPv3 and New DHCP Tab Updates

The DHCP Tab has been updated to support DHCP Groups, an improved interface, and improved backend functionality. Three new DHCP areas have been added – DHCP Groups, DHCP Servers, and DHCP Pool List.

DHCP Groups

7.0.0 DHCP Groups
The DHCP Groups page allows you to group DHCP Pools the same way ProVision allows zones under DNS Groups.

DHCP Servers

7.0.0 DHCP Servers List
The DHCP Servers page shows a list of DHCP servers, created via the “Add Server” button. Supported server types are ISC BIND or Cisco Prime Network Registrar. During server creation, you may select to attach it to a DHCP group, or leave it unattached.

DHCP Pools

7.0.0 DHCP Pools Page Pool List
The DHCP Pools list provides the same pool-level functionality as the DHCP Groups pool lists, but includes all pools regardless of Group attachment.

Peering v2 and New Peering Tab Updates

We’ve updated the Peering tab to support Peering v2, including new peering pages, improved UI, and direct data connections to Peering DB. Additionally, ASN validation and handling has been improved, and users now need to specify a PeeringDB account (set in Admin-> Peering settings) to connect with PeeringDB information.

7.0.0 Peering IXs
The peering interface has been updated with new subtabs: IXs (Exchanges), Routers, Sessions, and Peers.

Additional Features & Improvements

  • ProVision has been updated to support PHP 7 / PDO and mySQL 5.7.
  • The IPAM Admin “Lists Management” area has been updated with an “Edit Columns” page to support IPAMv2 column customization.
  • A new IPAMv2 Gadget is provided with the IPAMv2 7.0.0 updates.
  • The Dashboard “IP Charts” Widget has been updated to show block percentages that are assigned, unassigned, allocated, or in the holding tank.
  • ProVision now supports importing IPPlan data via the Data Import tab.
  • And many more refinements and bug fixes

We’re excited to share ProVision 7. Be sure to check out the full list of updates. If you’re still using an older version of ProVision, contact us to get upgraded. If you’re not using ProVision yet, start your free trial.

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