ProVision OEM

Customize ProVision's Dynamic Resource Provisioning for your operational use case

White-label ProVision for your own multi-tenant applications

Extend ProVision into legacy systems seamlessly with koalAPI

Build your own ProVision modules and features using 6ML and Javascript

Based on our backgrounds and experience with provisioning automation and implementation, we have started offering ProVision OEM services. These services can be a structured in a variety of ways and license models depending on your needs.
So how does ProVision OEM work?
While the standard ProVision Suite provides extensive customization and integration possibilities with its native API, there are situations where more extensive customization is preferred. 6connect’s engineers can use the ProVision framework with gadgets or modules tailored to your provisioning workflows. This allows for a turn-key API-based architecture that allows for machine communication or via GUI for more traditional provisioning tasks.
6connect works with your operations and development teams to map out your provisioning workflows and confirm a strategy for development and accommodating your short and long-term goals. Depending on the engineering resources available, 6connect can develop the framework and let your engineers design the modules, or 6connect can be more hands-on to get you up and running even faster.
Customization With Scalability
For deployments where OEM Services are requested, 6connect will work with you to define a Scope of Work, budget and timeline that fit your requirements. We offer these OEM Services for the following ProVision components:
Interfacing ProVision with third party hardware/software/services. Depending on the complexity, these could be uni-directional “pushes” or bi-directional state management. 6connect can build out integrations in our framework and leverage our koalAPI to easily tie in other software and hardware solutions for advanced automation.
Functionality within ProVision Resource Manager are coded in 6connect Markup Language (6ML) and are built and supported by 6connect. OEM customers can also build their own Gadgets in Javascript and simply use the native ProVision API. These elements can tie together existing ProVision functions or automate calls to external system(s) via Connectors. The best part is that these Gadgets are portable! They can be inserted into non-ProVision environments seamlessly for non-disruptive upgrades to legacy systems.
Multi-screen functionality/workflow automation within ProVision – in same cases, complex workflows simply work better with a dedicated UI and would leverage Gadgets and Connectors where possible. For example, ProVision’s native Dynamic Resource Provisioning API calls can be combined to perform more complex tasks. Instead of just assigning IPs to Resources, a Module might leverage multiple API calls to reserve IP addresses, provision a DHCP scope, create and push a DNS zone, and then trigger a billing system update. This flexibility means less dependence on homemade scripting and more scalable approaches to your long term goals.
With 6connect’s ProVision OEM Services, you can be assured of a solution that fits your budget, but also reduces risk of disrupting your current operational workflows. OEMs also receive preferred pricing for new Gadgets and Modules, and are eligible for our Reseller program.