Press Releases

6connect Announces Beta Program for DevOps Adventure Seekers that Love APIs

by | October 23, 2019

San Jose, CA – October 23, 2019 In an interesting twist, 6connect, purveyor of fine infrastructure provisioning platforms and tools, has announced the availability of a private Beta Program for its latest automation product: 6connect API Composer Platform (ACP).

Developed based on feedback from multiple customers, the new platform is a powerful culmination of effort leveraging automation alongside next-generation technologies – with the private beta launch bringing seamless API integration to DevOps adventure seekers everywhere.

So what does ACP do? Building on the trends uncovered by 6connect ProVision, 6connect set about creating a product that focuses on API-driven automation and ships with many commonly used integration points from Day One. Whether you want to automate DNS zone record updates for your multi-tenant Kubernetes deployment or provision a new service posthaste for a residential customer, ACP has you covered.

Typically solutions like this for infrastructure involve lots of coding and edge-case escapades, which increases time requirements and the likelihood that something will go wrong. But ACP’s graphical editor means you don’t have to hit the command line to create API workflows – ultimately leading to easier visualization, faster development, and fewer errors. Plus, sharing code is easy. Team members can quickly save and share workflows using JSON, and even add them to a version control system like Git.

Other notable features include the ability to Bring Your Own API (BYOAPI), boosting convenience and creative freedom, and automatic rollbacks that eliminate the worry about failure branches and having to manually undo steps. In addition, broad platform compatibility means you can create your own API libraries or take advantage of 6connect’s extensive Connector Library for hybrid multi-vendor environments.

6connect ACP is all about providing solutions that work for you. The platform even supports multiple instances of the same cloud provider, so you can automate workflows across different accounts at the same provider if that’s what you need. No matter your level of experience, anyone who works with APIs and Internet infrastructure can benefit from using ACP today.

Interested? Sign up on the 6connect ACP website for access to the new beta program!

About 6connect

6connect is the leader in network resource provisioning and automation. 6connect’s unique Dynamic Network Provisioning (DNP) platform enables centralized API-based provisioning of network resources across distributed and mobile networks, cloud platforms, software-defined networks, and data centers. Innovative customers like Swisscom, PCCW, Crown Castle, Zayo Group, and CyrusOne utilize DNP to accelerate service delivery time, accurately provision complex network protocols, and dramatically reduce network complexity and costs, while achieving industry change management and compliance requirements.

6connect is based in Silicon Valley and employs a global engineering team that includes some of the world’s foremost experts in IPv4/IPv6 technology, network architecture design, and systems automation. To learn more about the company, visit 6connect at:

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